General information

- Classification: Mammal.
- Family: Muridae
- Diet: predominantly omnivore
- Adult weight: 250-350 g for females; 450-500 g for males
- Sexual maturity: 40-50 days for males, 30-70 days for females (wait for 3 months before breeding, 7-14 pups per litter, born hairless and blind)
- Gestation: 20-22 days.
- Weaning: from 3 weeks
- Life span: 3-4 years for males and rarely more than 2 years for females.
- Period of activity: predominantly diurnal
As rats are predominantly omnivores, their basic diet consists of mixes or granules designed for rats, fresh or dried fruit and vegetables (avoiding foods containing too much sugar), and a small amount of hay. You can also add a small amount of cheese or other animal proteins (yogurt, meat, boiled eggs, etc.) as treats. Be careful, however, as rats are prone to obesity and diabetes, and their food intake should therefore be monitored. Introduce fresh vegetables gradually to avoid digestive problems. During dietary transition periods, we recommend using Intestinet to support your rat’s digestive function and gastrointestinal flora.
Also ensure your pet has unrestricted access to fresh clean water.
Rats are very sociable animal which enjoy the company of their master or other rats (opt for two females rather than two males). They are very playful animals which are easy to tame. Their cage should be positioned not too far from the rest of the household, and away from draughts. Your pet will need clean bedding, hiding places, objects for climbing (platforms), places to burrow and items to gnaw on.